Engaging our Sovereignty for Indigenous Liberation
by Jaque Fragua
Excerpt from the article…
This is the time to come together for Indigenous liberation, which is the liberation of all earth people
Artist Jaque Fragua unpacks the meaning of Indigenous liberation.
…We grow up thinking this is the world we inherit. In ways, this is true. In other ways it is a facade to make us think that we must inherently try to “fix it” and “make it great again”. In recent times, it’s been made clear that there is nothing to “fix.” How do you fix broken treaties that you know will never be honored by a government that had no intention of being responsible? How can one believe that “all men are created equal” written by a man who owned many slaves? Where are all of these 40 acres that were mentioned and whose land has been stolen and is being exploited to provide reparations? …
This is something that I must express to our Indigenous people. We cannot be dependent any longer on anyone else. We cannot submit ourselves to a system that does not serve us nor anyone but a few elite who care about nothing but our death and subjugation. We must engage our sovereignty. We must learn of our own power and strength through the resiliency our ancestors have passed to us. We must continue our ways of co-existence with the natural world and unlearn the conditioning and institutionalization of our sacred selves, and build up our communities. This is what I mean by not fixing, but abandoning the colonial system that has programmed us to be self-destructive and laterally violent.