Group of Men … Bring Awareness to MMIW

by Justus Caudell |

The full article is here…

Excerpt from the article…

Running and biking daily with the name of a missing or murdered indigenous woman or child painted in red on their arms – and with the red hand print that has come to represent Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women movement painted on their faces – Colville Tribal member Willi Bessette joined tribal descendent Duane Garvais Lawrence and Lakota member Ethan LaDeaux on a cross-country run and bike ride that started at the Peace Arch in Blaine, Washington and ended on the Massachusetts coasts near Plymouth Rock.

The run, which was aimed at raising awareness for murdered and missing indigenous women and children, coincided with the 400th anniversary of the landing at Plymouth – and once there – after more than 3,100 miles traveled and several weeks of running and biking, the three danced and sang, said Garvais Lawrence: “We went there specifically because we wanted to sing the ‘Turn Around Song.’ We wanted to turn-around the trauma that our people have endured since that first landing at Plymouth Rock.”

The team launched a Go Fund Me with the goal of $18,609 – a dollar for each of the missing and murdered indigenous women across Indian Country and in major cities across the United States according to the Go Fund Me page.

To date, the fundraiser – which can be found here – has raised $1,072. The money is to be donated to the MMIW Organization and Colville Tribal member Earth Feather Sovereign, a MMIW advocate in Washington state.

They painted the names of missing and murdered indigenous woman and children on the back of their RV. The names included:

1. Amanda Allen

2. Mia Means – 16 years old, missing from South Dakota

3. Trinity Gomez – 14 years old,missing from Billings, MT

4. Dande S. Parks – missing from Flagstaff, AZ

5. Kellie Dolan – missing from Spokane, WA

6. Tina Marie Finley – missing from the Couer d’Alene Reservation in Idaho

7. Rosalie Romero

8. Rosa Tinklenberg – 12 years old, missing from Minnesota

9. Kaysera R. Stops Pretty Places – missing from the Crow Nation

10. Marissa Ortiz – missing from Fort Totten, SD

11. April Oxendine – missing from North Carolina

12. Holly Rene Larvie aka Rosebud – missing from North Dakota

13. Sharon Baldeagle  -17 years old, a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux, missing from Rapid City, South Dakota

14. Alicia Lara – missing from Humbodlt County, California

15. Jordan Brown Bull – missing from South Dakota

16. Tashing Shepherd – missing from Prescott, AZ

17. Charlotte Ike – missing from Swinomish, WA

18. Kayla B. Blackbird

19. Aleata Lynn Scheafter – missing from Great Falls, MT

20. Tina Spino –  missing from Warm Springs, Oregon

21. Mariah Badmilk – 15 years old, missing from South Dakota

22. Niomi Little – 12 years old, missing from Rapid City, SD

23. Danielle Wright – 16 years old, missing from Rapid City, SD

24. Alicia Navarro – missing from Arizona

25. Kamiah Bird – missing from the Spokane Reservation

26. Danelle Allen aka Nellie Allen – missing from Spokane, WA

27. Jamie L. Yazzie – missing from Arizona