Dispel the Myths of Thanksgiving

Free, printable question & answer cards to dispel the myths Thanksgiving.

by Debby Irving | (click here for great, diverse resources)

The full set of flashcards here…

Excerpt from the article…


Who invented Thanksgiving?
A. The Wampanoag Indians
B. It depends which Thanksgiving we’re talking about
C. The Pilgrims
D. Abraham Lincoln
E. Women’s magazine editor Sarah Josepha Hale
Q2) Did Pilgrims and Indians like each other?
A. Whoops, this question has some misinformation in it
B. Yes, that’s why they celebrated Thanksgiving together
in 1621
C. No, they stayed away from each other as much as
D. It’s complicated
E. A and D
Q3) Did the meal pictured in Thanksgiving paintings ever
A. No. It’s all fiction
B. Yes, that’s the first Thanksgiving
C. Something sort of like it may have happened
D. It’s complicated
E. C and D